    (最終更新日:2024-08-21 15:46:12)
  ファース マーク デイヴィッド   FIRTH, Mark David
  FIRTH, Mark David
   キャリア区分   研究者教員
   教育組織   大学  リベラルアーツ学群
   職位   准教授
1. 2001/02~2003/02 チャールズ·スタート大学 Education Teaching English as a Second or Other Language 卒業 MEd (TESOL)
Applied Linguistics, Teacher Education, Computer Assisted Language Learning (キーワード:My research interests are concerned with how technology can facilitate language learner autonomy, teacher education, and applied linguistics.) 
1. 著書  Case Studies in Business Innovation: Readings for Discussion (共著) 2023/04
2. 著書  Pragmatic development and study abroad: Building and maintaining competence. (共著) 2017
3. 著書  Applying humor theory to sitcoms: Modern Family and beyond (単著) 2016
4. 著書  Hey! That's me I'm laughing at! (単著) 2016
5. 著書  Teach your students a lesson about threats (共著) 2016
1. 2020/11/20 Using Moodle to manage a large-scale program during ERT.(JALT 2020: The 46th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching)
2. 2021/02/05 From conversations to academic presentations: A task-based approach for your learners.(17th Annual CamTESOL Conference. (Online))
3. 2023/02/19 A reliable and practical Excel-based grading tool for teachers and program managers.(19th Annual CamTESOL Conference. Institute of Technology of Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia.)
1. 2010/04/17~ Obirin University ELP Teacher Orientation(ELP)