    (最終更新日:2024-07-01 21:18:47)
  クックソン サイモン   COOKSON, Simon
  COOKSON, Simon
   キャリア区分   研究者教員
   教育組織   大学  ビジネスマネジメント学群ビジネスマネジメント学類
   職位   教授
1. 2022/04~ J. F. Oberlin University, College of Business Management, Professor
2. 2012~2022 J. F. Oberlin University, College of Business Management, Associate Professor
3. 2007~2012 J. F. Oberlin University, College of Business Management, Assistant Professor
4. 2003~2007 J. F. Oberlin University, Foreign Language Education Center, Assistant Professor
5. 2002~2006 Kanagawa University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Part-time Instructor
1. 2015/04~2021/03 International Christian University, Japan, Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics
2. 2003/09~2008/07 Aston University, UK, M.Sc. in TESOL
3. 1989/07~1990/06 University of Southampton, UK, M.Eng. in Aerospace Systems Engineering
4. 1986/09~1989/06 University of Southampton, UK, B.Sc. in Aerospace Systems Engineering
   Aviation Communication Website
言語学 linguistics, 社会学 sociology, ヒューマンインタフェース、インタラクション human interface & interaction, 航空宇宙工学 aerospace engineering, 外国語教育 foreign language education, 文化人類学 cultural anthropology, その他 others (キーワード:air transport, CRM training, pilot-ATC communication, human factors, intercultural communication, cross-cultural studies, film studies, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, ESP) 
1. 2023/01~  (1) communication breakdowns in complex systems (2) the effect of cultural factors on airline & airport operations (3) training airline crew & airport staff 個人研究 
2. 2014/01~  (1) communication breakdowns in complex systems (2) the effect of cultural factors on airline flight operations (3) training non-native airline pilots and cabin crew 個人研究 
3. 2006/01~2013/12  (1) linguistic factors in aviation safety (2) the ICAO language proficiency programme (3) training airline pilots and cabin crew 個人研究 
1. 著書  Communicate in the Airport 2: Effective English for Ground Staff (単著) 2024/02 Link
2. 著書  Communicate in the Cabin 2: Effective English for Cabin Crew (単著) 2022/09 Link
3. 著書  Communicate in the Airport 1: Essential English for Ground Staff (単著) 2022/01 Link
4. 著書  English: International Language of Work and Education (単著) 2022/01 Link
5. 著書  Communicate in the Cabin 1: Essential English for Cabin Crew (単著) 2021/09 Link
1. 2024/07 Making Sense of Culture in the Cockpit: The Crash of Japan Airlines Flight 1045(12th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation)
2. 2023/07 CVR Data Unavailable: A Study of 52 Airline Accidents & Incidents 2014-2022(11th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation)
3. 2022/07 Misrepresenting Reality: Limitations of Accident Documentaries for Airline Pilot Training(10th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation)
4. 2021/07 Communication on the Flight Deck: What Lessons can we Learn from Past Accidents?(9th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation)
5. 2020/07 Towards a Glossary of Aviation Communication Factors(8th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation)
1. 2008 Collins Cobuild TESOL Prize for the Best Aston MSc Dissertation
2. 1990 Royal Aeronautical Society Annual Student Award