    (最終更新日:2024-09-24 15:41:37)
  リー リサ   LI, Lisa
  LI, Lisa
   キャリア区分   研究者教員
   教育組織   大学  グローバル・コミュニケーション学群
   職位   教授
1. 2014/04~2021/03 LA, GC Associate Professor
2. 2021/04~ GC Professor
1. 1980/07~1984/07 中国传媒大学 English Department 卒業 B.A.
2. 1992/09~1995/05 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA East Asian Languages and Literature 修士課程修了 M.A.
3. 1995/05~1998/12 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Chinese Literature 博士課程修了 Ph.D.
Chinese literature and culture, East Asian literature and culture, Japanese Literature and culture (キーワード:modernity, postmodernity, globalization, gender, culture, cinema) 
1. 2000/03~ AAS[Association for Asian Studies]
2. 2000/10~ Institute of Asian Cultural Studies( IACS)
3. 2000/10~2023/03 Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, ICU (International Christine University), Tokyo, Japan.
4. 2002/06~ MLA[Modern Language Association]
5. 2007/06~ AJLS[Association for Japanese Literary Studies]
1. 著書  “Experiencing Disasters in Two Places: China’s 1976 Tangshan Earthquake and Japan’s
2011 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Radiation.” Japan After 3/11: Global Perspectives on the Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Meltdown. Eds. Karan, Pradyumna P. and Unryu Suganuma. UP of Kentucky, 2016. P. 417 – 431. (共著) 2016
2. 論文  Nihilist Vision Through Literary Subversion in Contemporary Mainland Chinese Avant-garde Fiction (PhD Dissertation) (単著) 1998/12
3. 論文  Letters on Becoming a Better Human and Artist (単著) 2023/03
4. 論文  COVID-19 and Another Kind of Virus (単著) 2022/03
5. 論文  Chinese Women’s Stories That Needed to Be Told (単著) 2021/03
1. 2024/06/15 Teaching Fiction for Social Engagement(The 11th Liberlit Conference)
2. 2022/08/13 Learning About Asia Through Cinema(ICCLL 2022 (The 8th international conference on culture, languages and literature),)
3. 2021/08/22 Contemporary Chinese Diaspora Narrative(ICCLL 2021 (The 7th international conference on culture, languages and literature),)
4. 2022/06/09 Narrating Modern Chinese Women’s Lives(The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS 2022))
5. 2020/11/04 Writing about China from a Diasporic Position(The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2020))